5 Things to do to practice self love this Valentine’s Day
Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is approaching this weekend. You’re either fed up with seeing all of the flowers, teddy bears and chocolates in the stores, or you’re getting excited for the infamous day of love. I used to LOVE Valentine’s Day as a little girl. There was always some kind of dance, everyone got valentines day cards in the entire class and my parents usually got me something cute. As I got older, I started to witness how we’ve materialized the day. It went from stressing out about which valentines day cards to pick for your entire class to dreading the ‘holiday’ if you didn’t have a significant other to spend it with. As someone who has never gone out on valentine’s day with a boyfriend, or been asked out on a real date for valentines day, I think I’m a pro when it comes to getting creative and figuring out new ways to love yourself on V-day. This day should be celebrated with loved ones, you should feel happy and even giddy on this day, but it doesn’t mean you need to go out, get asked out or even receive flowers or gifts. I have learned to love valentines day because in all honesty, we can make it whatever we want. It’s a day to remind ourselves we are loved by the most high and we are deserving of self love.
Here are a few things you can do to show yourself a little love this February 14th.
Redecorate a space. Okay hear me out, maybe you don’t like decorating or maybe you feel like you don’t even have an interior design bone in your body. Redecorating can also mean getting rid of anything that no longer serves you. Old clothes that no longer bring you joy, the same comforter you’ve had for years, shoes you NEVER wear!!! Marie Kondo it all!!! I promise you will feel light, fresh and brand new. It also is an opportunity for you to bring in the new. This could be new in tangible ways or new in opportunities, and relationships. Consider it an early spring cleaning.
Take a bath. Fill that tub up with some bubbles, put on some music, pour up some wine or champagne put on a nice podcast or bring a book with you. Light some candles and relax. Think about it, when’s the last time you took a bath? Its like all of your problems just go away once you step into the water and for a few minutes you can escape and channel your inner pretty woman. Even if you have to go out and buy some new bubble bath, (make sure it’s non-toxic) you’ll thank yourself for allowing time to be spent doing absolutely nothing. Soak in the moment. Literally.
Host a galentines day brunch/dinner. If you’re not aware, this is the new thing. Last year I went out with some girlfriends and we went to a cute cozy wine and tapas bar. If hosting isn’t your thing, find a nice new restaurant you’ve been wanting to try and invite all of your ladies. If you are into hosting, have everyone bring a bottle of wine and something to eat. There are so many cute decorations at target you can really make it special for you and your closest friends. Create a playlist, find some new games, make it a movie night. Friendships are important. Cherish them.
Do absolutely nothing. We live in a world that is addicted to hustle culture and constantly “doing”. If you’re an introvert like me, you love alone time. Take advantage of doing what you love, recharging alone. Crack open a book, write in your journal, do some yoga. Even practicing meditation and prayer during this time is the ultimate form of self love. Practice the art of doing nothing. It’s okay to be alone. If we can’t learn to love ourselves then how can we expect someone else to love us?
Have a spa day. Book a massage, get your nails done, and pamper yourself. Feeling like you don’t want to splurge on expensive beauty treatments? Throw a face mask on, a hair mask and do your own nails. The point is, your body is a temple and you should be treating it as such. I say this all the time; your body is constantly taking care of you. It’s constantly healing and repairing itself. It deserves a little love too. What better way to do that than on the day of love?
Self love isn’t just about fancy spa treatments, getting your nails done etc. It is however making sure you’re taking care of you. It’s about loving yourself first so that when the time does come, you can let someone else in so they can love you. There’s no shame in loving yourself, spoiling yourself and giving yourself everything you’re deserving of. Valentines Day doesn’t have to be miserable. Check in and ask yourself “How is my soul doing?”. You may just need to use this day as a reminder to put yourself first. I hope you know you’re loved and cherished even if you don’t receive chocolates and flowers from someone else. You may not even like chocolates or flowers but you’ve been told that’s the meaning of love. Don’t let the outside world define how you love especially when it comes to loving yourself.
We love each other because he loved us first. 1 John 4:19
We may not know each other, or maybe we do. But I hope you can feel my love for you and know how much you are worthy and deserving of it all.
I love you