Liv’s Morning Routine

I’ve never been a morning person. I envy those who wake up bright eyed and ready to attack their day with energy. There was a short time in my life when I would wake up at 4:45am to hit the gym. It felt SO GOOD to get my day started with movement. My productivity was increased and I always had so much energy. Since 2020 however, I haven’t been able to get back on track towards a normal morning routine. Currently, I am in a place of my life where things are changing daily. The morning routine I’m going to share with you today has been working for me given the craziness of my schedule lately. It allows me to have slow mornings with just the right amount of structure to get the day going!

How I conquer my day with this morning routine

Start with gratitude. You cannot be anxious and grateful at the same time. With everything going on in the world, I think it’s extremely important to start our day with gratitude so that our anxieties are lessened throughout the day. It’s also a great way to set the tone for the day by being thankful to even wake up and get to live another day. I express gratitude for my health, my family, my job, and for God’s grace each morning before I even get out of bed.

Make my bed. Studies show that those who make their bed when they wake up have more productive days. Making your bed also cleans up your space and a clean space makes room for a clean mind. Nobody wants to wake up to a cluttered space first thing in the morning. A cluttered space is a cluttered mind and we don’t have time for that.

Jade Rolling. I have been looooving my jade roller, especially in the mornings! Jade rolling helps decrease puffiness wakes up your face. If we aren’t getting adequate sleep, we can retain water in our face, which is why we wake up with puffy faces and lips LOL. Make sure you decrease that puffiness by using a jade roller. Jade rolling has so many benefits! Jade rolling decreases puffiness, increases circulation, and even reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You can shop for one here.

Water intake and Probiotic. Drink a large glass of room temperature water and take your probiotic. When we wake up in the morning our bodies are dehydrated. Drinking a large glass of water will send hydration to our thirsty organs. I also recommend taking a probiotic first thing in the morning to kick start your digestive system. Great probiotics ensure you are receiving the necessary bacteria so that your gut can continue to do its job throughout the day. I love probio because it has a high amount of good bacteria and it makes it’s all the way past the stomach acid to where it truly needs to be to thrive. You can find it here.

Morning Latte. This is by far my favorite part of this entire routine. I look forward to waking up just so that I can make my favorite cup of coffee. I am a huge fan of the nespresso. It has changed my life!! Once you get one, you won’t go back to regular coffee from a regular coffee pot. Making your favorite coffee is a great ritual and a form of self care and the perfect way to start your day. This has been huge for my morning routine and I feel off without my coffee time. I’ve linked some nespresso’s here for you!

Journaling and Making a List. I start by writing down the 3 most important things I need to get done for the day. If you’re a list maker you may be accustomed to writing down EVERYTHING on your list. But we are multifaceted women whose time is constantly being demanded by our jobs, our relationships, and our friendships. It’s almost impossible to get everything on the list done. So, write down the 3 most important things and tackle those first. If it helps, select only 3 things from your list you made the night before. (I know you made one, cause I did too). If you implement only one thing from this morning routine, implement this! I promise it will help you be more productive without the burnout.

Read 15 pages of a current book. I love sitting down with my coffee and reading a book. I’m usually reading personal development or business books but it gets me inspired to start my day. It also helps me with content planning if I’m feeling like I’m in a slump. Reading is my me time and I truly believe we don’t make enough room for personal development on a daily basis. By reading first thing in the morning, you can cross this off your list and enjoy the rest of your day. I just finished reading “We Should All Be Millionaires” by Rachel Rodgers and it was PHENOMENAL.

Morning Movement. Working out in the mornings gives me that extra boost of energy I need to get my day. When we workout, we create endorphins in our bodies which make us feel good. Endorphins can also be a huge confidence booster. Morning movement just does something different versus working out in the evenings. It creates margin for you so that you can handle everything else on your beloved list and it sets the tone for a high vibing day. Get moving.

Whether you use bits and pieces of my routine or you feel inspired to start your own morning routine, know that I am rooting for you to wake up energized, and to move throughout your day with ease.

Xo, Liv


Liv’s Fall Grocery List


Confidence is a skillset