Spring Produce Shopping List

Spring is officially here and I don’t know about you, but I definitely feel an extra pep in my step. There’s more daylight, the trees start to bloom, I wake up to birds chirping outside my window. It not only feels like a fresh start but it is a fresh start. It’s the perfect time to detox from heavy winter foods, treats and indulgences; even detoxing from winter activities and getting our blood moving again. Getting outside and letting the sun hit you, working out more frequently, and cleaning up your space are all great ways to kick off spring. Most importantly, we should be starting to eat seasonal produce. Eating seasonally ensures we are getting the maximum benefit from our food. It also yields the highest health benefit when we are eating seasonally. Want to eat seasonally but have nowhere to start? Say less! I’ve compiled a spring shopping produce list for you along with some easy recipes to go along with them.

Arugula-mood booster

Benefits: helps detoxify the body, high in vitamin C, fiber vitamins b9, c and k.

Make it: arugula is best eaten raw, so a nice arugula salad with a light vinaigrette is perfect. Whisk 1/4 cup olive oil, the juice of 1 lemon, salt and pepper, a little honey and 1 tablespoon of dijon mustard into a bowl. In a separate bowl, massage a couple handfuls of arugula prior to adding the vinaigrette. Then add the vinaigrette, (not all of it, you will have leftovers), toss in the vinaigrette and either eat the salad as is, or use it as a side salad with eggs and toast, or with grilled chicken or fish! Currants, pine nuts and pomegranate seeds are great additions as well.

Asparagus- major detoxifier

Benefits: diuretic properties, good for the skin and hair, great for flushing out toxins especially thru the liver, fiber, plant protein, Iron, zinc, vitamins a, b1, b2, b5, b6, b9, c , e and k.

Make it: Asparagus is the easiest vegetable to jazz up last minute. You can grill it by placing it into a foil pack, drizzle olive oil, over top, season with salt, pepper, chili flakes. Grill until they’re soft with a bit of crunch. Zest 1 lemon to garnish over top to brighten the side dish. You can prepare the asparagus the same way in the oven for about 25 minutes at 400 degrees.

Basil- antibacterial

Benefits: great for the skin, antimicrobial so great for the gut, fight bacteria, full of fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins a, b9, c and k

Make it: I love adding fresh basil on top of pasta, or mixing it into a rub for chicken. It has a really bright flavor so if your meal is feeling a little dull, basil is a great way to lighten it up. For any kind of pasta with tomato sauce, pesto, or olive oil base, basil is best when added on at the last minute so it isn’t cooked too much! It will take your pasta to the next level!

Blueberries- glow getters

Benefits: vitamin c, great for the skin helps boost collagen and elasticity, anti inflammatory, fiber, vitamin c. Fun fact: collagen is the largest protein we have in the body. It makes up our connective tissue, and is the one of the first things to go as we age.

Make it: Eating a handful of blueberries is delicious in itself. I like to add mine to yogurt, or into smoothies. A smoothie I have been loving lately is 1/2 cup orange juice, 1/2 cup coconut water, 1 cup of berries, 1/2 banana, 2 tablespoons chia seeds, vanilla protein powder. This is great for digestion but also has so many skin boosting properties.

Cilantro- blood stabilizer

Benefits: great for the skin, helps keep blood sugars at bay, antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal, anti inflammatory, digestive aid, contains digestive enzymes so it’s great for the gut, (clear skin starts in the gut) contains quercetin so helps detoxify the body thru the liver, has vitamins a, c , k.

Make it: A lot of people don’t like the taste of fresh cilantro because they carry an enzyme that makes it taste like soap. That makes me so sad. I love cilantro as a garnish on top of tacos, and I always add it into my salsa. I can’t give my salsa recipe away BUT adding in a bunch of cilantro will brighten up any mexican or latin dish you are making. Try something simple like cilantro lime rice! Yum!

Eggs- nutritional powerhouse

Benefits: protein, healthy fat, the yolk is packed with vitamins a and d which help skin cell turnover and immunity, the whites help brighten the skin, they contain all essential amino acids which we cannot produce on our own, try to buy organic free range when possible, eggs are full of fatty acids, omega 3’s, copper, iron, zinc, protein, vitamins a, b2, b6, b12, d, e, k.

Make it: To receive the maximum benefits from eggs, it’s important to not overcook them. I love soft boiled eggs, soft scrambled eggs and over medium. Eggs are a crucial part of my everyday breakfast. Serve up some eggs with 1/2 an avocado and a piece of sourdough toast!

Leafy Greens- the superhero your skin needs

Benefits: vitamins and minerals that help support new growth, cell repair, and detoxification of the body, eliminate toxins, omega 3’s, fiber, iron, magnesium, beta carotene, lutein, vitamins a, b7(biotin) , b9, c, e.

Make it: It is so easy to put together a quick salad made up of mixed greens. My favorite quick salad called the greek goddess salad contains, kalamata olives, banana peppers, feta cheese, dates and the same vinaigrette listed above (olive oil and balsamic also work great). Add in some grilled or roasted chicken and your skin will be glowing.

Salmon- the complexion booster

Benefits: omega 3, look for organic wild caught, scottish, norwegian, or atlantic (coldest water) salmon, great for complexion, rich source of selenium, antioxidant known for cellular repair, great for improving pigmentation of the skin, high in protein, iodine, vitamins, b5, b7, b12, choline and vitamin d.

Make it: Air fryer salmon is by far my favorite salmon. You can make any sauce to go with it, but the air fryer gives the salmon a quick crispy outside with a perfectly cooked inside. Season with salt and pepper. Spray your air fryer with olive oil and cook the salmon per your air fryer suggestion. I know they’re all different. Mine suggests cooking the salmon for 5 minutes on each side at 390 degrees. Pair this with your arugula salad and a toasted piece of bread chefs kiss.

Spinach- skin made of steel

Benefits: iron, helping with blood circulation, and repairing the skin, collagen booster, anti inflammatory, fiber, protein, magnesium, beta-carotene ( the body converts beta carotene into vitamin A (retinol) which helps with healthy heart, lungs, and skin contains other vitamins b9, c, e, k.

Make it: Not only are you getting spinach in your leafy green mix but you can also make a green smoothie with spinach as the base. You’ll need 1 cup of your milk of choice, handful of spinach, 2 tablespoons of spinach, 1 scoop of peanut butter powder, 1 scoop of vanilla protein of choice, I use Garden of life plant sport protein, 1 banana, 4 ice cubes. Blend and you have yourself a green power smoothie, perfect for breakfast or post workout.

Need an extra boost of anti inflammatory help in your life? Check out my anti inflammatory supplement I will never stop taking.

For more healthy omega 3’s in your life, take a look at omega+, the supplement that has changed my skin.

foods to promote glowing skin

healthy skin starts




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